Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Help Writing a Research Paper

Help Writing a Research Paper Help Writing a Research Paper Help Writing a Research Paper Research paper advisers expect students to provide some background information about the research studies that they review. Without this information, research paper readers may be unsure about the value of the reviewed studies. Note, the lack of content development causes awkward transitions between ideas and undercuts the college research paper writer's credibility. Because the research paper writer fails to give the necessary background about the studies he or she reviews, his or her discussion may seem choppy and illogical. Many of such research paper problems can be solved by a brief introduction concisely summarizing each scholar's credentials and research methods. Introductions of this sort are also crucial to incorporate someone else research ideas into your discussion. With the hope of swaying a reader, gifted researchers sometimes intentionally avoid clarifying the context of research studies that research paper writers cite to support their positions. If you have a trouble with generating research paper topics ideas, custom research paper service is here to solve your problems. Free research paper is not a solution because thousands of other students have already submitted the same paper to their tutor.   Who knows, maybe your tutor has read that research paper as well. offers help writing a research paper. We guarantee high quality of every written paper we deliver! No hidden costs, no inexperienced writers! Research Paper Writing Academic research paper writing is distinguished from other kinds of writing in the degree of revision expected. While you can write quick memo in a single draft, most academic research papers writing require multiple revisions, some as many as a dozen or even four dozens. While tangled syntax and awkward wording may be acceptable in brief notes to colleagues, the rigorous peer-review process is designed to ensure that college papers are exemplary. Adviser wants you to write elegantly, to offer original contributions, and he wants you to be knowledgeable on the topic you have chosen. Rather than considering revision to be a relatively unimportant activity, like minor housekeeping, you can have a more accurate sense of how experienced college research paper writers perceive revision. You should consider it more similar to major renovation in which you tear down walls, rip off the roof, and add turrets. While you may be particularly adept at identifying and correcting grammatical and mechanical problems, you should ignore these concerns when in the process of first revisions.   If you request help writing a research paper at our site, you are entitled to request unlimited number of revisions. Our blog and writing tips are absolutely free!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Teaching Others to Write. . . Online

Teaching Others to Write. . . Online If you’ve been published for any length of time, you realize thousands upon thousands of writers still struggle to get published or to decide what they want to write. Some still need to learn the basics while others seek to be steered in the right direction. With enough experience and knowledge under your belt, you might be able to help them and, in turn, increase your writing profits. You don’t need to be a New York Times bestseller or have numerous awards to your credit to teach; however, you do need strong writing skills, proof that you’ve mastered an area of writing, and the ability to convey the knowledge you have learned to others. Choosing the topic to teach involves research as you look into writing courses already available. You don’t want to offer a course too similar or too generic, and what you do offer should be a component of writing with which you’re extremely familiar. For instance, if you’ve gotten rave reviews on your villainous characters, you could possibly teach a course for other aspiring suspense/thriller writers. Teaching writing courses involves designing the course, which includes writing all of the lessons and the assignments, and setting the price, although some sites do have input on the fee. You will also review the students’ assignments and offer feedback for improvement. Some teachers offer an assessment test or a review wrap-up at the end of the course but neither are required. It is helpful to think creatively when you’re designing your course, though, because you must be a magnet, convincing writers why they should take your course. I just completed teaching a romance writing course for Wow! Women On Writing, and I have a different class, about how to strengthen your fiction, that will start on September 16th. The site takes 20 percent commission, but I factor that in when I set the price of my classes. I have been teaching for Women On Writing since 2016, and the extra income is well worth the small bit of time it takes to review student assignments. Sites like Women On Writing and Savvy Authors are always scouting for high-quality teachers, and once you pass their application process, you set the times you want to teach around your schedule. Plus, the material belongs to you, and you can use it as often as you’d like, whether it’s four times a year or only once. Â  CreativeLive is also open to new instructors, but these are recorded classes, which might be another interesting path to take. There is a short learning curve to teaching an online class, and it’s always beneficial to take one yourself before becoming the teacher. Become accustomed to the flow of the class to determine what you like and don’t like about particular ways of teaching. You’ll find your own way to present your information to students. You might also want to take this free course so you can learn to teach online. Once you’ve been teaching for a while, you could even try your hand at places like Udemy and Skillshare which offer video-based courses and a chance for you to earn even more money, though the learning curve at these sites has a bit of a wider arc. Finally, as a bonus, once you’re tired of a written course or don’t have the desire to teach it anymore, you can turn the classes into articles to sell. Most will need basic restructuring before you submit them for possible publication.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Group Project Phase 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Group Project Phase 3 - Assignment Example His agency is the only one entrusted with the punishment of all the convicted suspects. It means that the Security Chief of the state correctional facility has short-term, intermediate, and long-term interaction with all the suspects. Major Allen Irongate, who is the Security Chief of the state correctional facility, represents Virtual detention Center on a number of occasions, especially when culprits commit crimes within the facility (Ferdico, Fradella, & Totten, 2013).   One of the major resources available to the correctional facility is the Virtual Detention Center. Perhaps this is the primary physical resource at the disposal of the correctional facility to execute its mandate. The detention center serves as a prison and remands for the suspects awaiting the hearing of their cases. Additionally, the detention center aids in the interim accommodation of suspect who are on parole. Other resources available to the correctional facility to execute its mandate include the other security departments that work hand in hand with Major Allen Irongate in order to deliver justice to the people of Virtual. Under the watchful eye of Major Allen Irongate, the correctional facility liaises with the Virtual Police Department and other agencies in order to fight crime. Raymond Burr, who is the chief criminal prosecutor from the Office of the District Attorney, plays a key role in prosecuting suspects who commit crimes in detention centers. Evidence relates such i nmates as John â€Å"Jacky† Pole with drug peddling within the correctional facility (Ferdico, Fradella, & Totten, 2013).   In as much as the correctional facility is trying its best to deliver the correct punishment to the criminals operating in Virtual like the Very bad Bike Club (VBBC), it is worth noting that certain resource shortfalls preclude a more effective response. Perhaps one of the major resource shortfalls in the correctional facility,

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Supply Chain Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 9

Supply Chain Management - Essay Example so allow them to supply to the market as quickly and precisely as possible in order to meet the actual demand without being able to consider maintaining a high inventory level. When there is high inventory, there is also high linked up cost with it. Thus, the prevailing structural program of Dell with respect to its recent supply chain strategy ensures a great way of generation of profit as the entire activity minimizes the loss of market opportunity. In other words, the ability of Dell to forecast demand allows it to provide the essential supply to its target marketplace. In order to do this, the company relies heavily on information by maintaining constant flow of data through two information loops (Oracle, 2013). This means that the flow of information should take place between customers and Dell sales team and the other one takes place among sales, procurement and suppliers (Oracle, 2013). Supply chain could be defined as a set of two or more entities involved in the upstream and downstream flow of products, services, finances and information from the source to a consumer (Overbeck, 2009, p.17). It is upstream from the point of view of consumer and the other way around for the source. This definition gives us the idea that the flow of products, services and information is sequential, which means that the output of the first level is the input of the next level. However, due to the existing complexity of relationships involved in the supply chain today, ‘supply network’ was coined (Overbeck, 2009, p.17). According to Hieber (2002), the nature of supply chain is unique (p.130). This is because there is complexity involved within the flow of goods and information between the linked entities in the supply chain. This according to him would require a changing set of priorities from time to time, requiring a high level of responsiveness on the part of the organisation. According to Jones and Tilley (2007), supply chains and management have become potential

Sunday, November 17, 2019

India in Medieval Time Essay Example for Free

India in Medieval Time Essay Structure of society was that it was divided in caste system. There was a strong caste system in India that we don’t see in Europe. Since it was mainly an agriculture based society that demands caste system for an efficiently working society. Since areas were ruled individually there was difference in society structure in different areas too. They had different gods and thus different rituals. On other hand most people in Europe did farming too but they were servants, peasants or serfs. FAMILY People lived in joint family system i.e. husband wife their children grand children their wives all lived under same roof. The eldest male person was used to be the head of family. Even today in many parts of India and even in Pakistan still live in joint family system. They had importance of respecting their elders such as saying namaste (used to greet others on meeting) and they touch feet of elders, gurus and their gods out of respect. Arrange marriages were planned. Family elders used to decide where to marry their child after verifying the age, height, looks, family values, financial background of family and matching their horoscopes. There was tradition of taking dowry that we can still see in our society. POSITION OF WOMEN In my point of view I don’t think women had good status in India in middle ages. Their marriage, up bringing and widowhood depended upon which caste they are from. They had tradition of sati. Sati means â€Å"true wife† and the tradition was that the women whose husband died was burnt alive to prove her loyalty and love for her husband and to be with him in after life. The women who were not burnt were suppose to live very simple life, no make-up and jewelry, had to wear white sari and sleep on floor and only one meal a day without honey, meat, wine and salt. Today this is against law of India. Treating women in such way is ridiculous they should have as much right to live as men. On other hand in Europe women could remarry. RELIGION Different religions were followed in India in medieval time like Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism and later Islam spread by Sufis. They had a number of religious festivals that they still celebrate today. Navratri, diwali, ganesh chathruti, durga poja, holi, rakshabandhan and dussehra are the religious festivals of Hinduism. People believe in different gods thus they have different rituals and temples. â€Å"the belief that rituals bestow authority and power was widespread and additional incentive was the promise of heavenly rewards.† (Thapar, 2002) People of a region had usually different god than other like some people worshipped durga while other worshipped shiva and so on. But they did respect other gods too. Later when Arabs invaded ths area Sufis came along with them and mixed up with local society and gradually preached them and converted them to Islam. It wasn’t spread by force. We can easily see the diversiy of religion in India. In Europe Christianity was the centre of everything. Church was the centre of society. There was difference between eastern church and western was called orthodox church and other was the catholic church. Islam also spread in Europe. In medieval times, Muslims governed Jerusalem. Jerusalem  is sacred to both Christians and Muslims. To Christians, it is the birth place of Christ, Christ spend most of his time in this city and was crucified here. To Muslims, dome of the rock is in this city which is the very place from where Muhammad (P.B.U.H) ascended to heavens. Initially, Muslims let the Christian pilgrims to visit this holy city but in 1070s Turks conquered Jerusalem who was also Muslim. They didn’t allow Christians to visit their holy sites and mistreated them. They also threatened Byzantium Empire. This became the basis of a series of holy wars called crusades. By the end of the 11th century, the emperor of Byzantine Alexius I was threatened by the Seljuk Turks. He asked the pope Gregory VII for assistance so that they can save themselves. Thousands of the Christians responded to this call and thus resulted in the first Crusade. The plans of Gregory VII were taken up by Pope Urban II who gave this plan a proper direction. Thus the idea of the first crusade is attributed to him. Even though, Europeans were unable to get their required results through the crusades, the crusades affected the world in many ways. Christians started the crusades in name of religion and their religion was affected the most. In fourth crusade western Christians on their way killed eastern Christians in Constantinople. They also killed Christians on basis that they dressed like Muslims. This was the time when Orthodox Church and Catholic Church separated completely and their conflict still remains. The Europeans were the ones having the major positive effects as a result of crusades. One of the biggest benefits was the trade of spices and luxury textiles. They also bring along with them many medicines and ways of treatments from Arab and Persia the crusades also aided the beginning of Renaissance in Italy. The history of Crusades in my opinion was more political than religious. It was a war for more power and authority. The Christians fought it in the name of God but the real name was different. They only wanted to make Muslims weaker. Even if we look in today’s world and all the War against terrorism, they are no more than occupying Muslim land geographically important for the  west and not for any religious reasons. POLITICS Gupta Empire ended in 500 C.E. after that people ruled regionally. There were many kings ruling locally. The doctrine of mandalas was very important here which was that king of one region was enemy of its immediate neighbor and was friends with the king of neighbor’s immediate neighbor. So they make ties with other king to attack and conquer. Since religion was the most important thing at that time the temples were rich with the gifts offered by pilgrims. People offered the best they had to please their gods. The muslims invaded these areas because they wanted to capture the temples wealth not because they wanted to spread Islam. Local kings also used to do the same thing. Some dynasties that ruled the southern part were the pallavas, cera, pandyas. The main kingdoms in northern areas were chaulakyas, dantidurga, Al-Balhara, Al-jurz or gurjara pratihara and dharma palas. All of them wanted to have control over Kanauj to have better strategic control since it was the central point. These kingdoms declined because they knew each others strengths and weaknesses and were attacked by Arabs. Arab forces entered India through Khyber pass, bolan pass and gomal pass. In 9th and 10th century rajputs became prominent. Muhammad bin Qasim conquered sindh in 712 C.E. Number of small kingdoms rose with rulers of Turkish origin. Among them was a kingdom with a ruler Mahmud centered at Ghazni (in Afghanistan). ‘For him, India was a wealthy land always appearing rich and attractive from the barren mountains of Hindu Kush’. (Thapar,2002) His aim was to capture the temples to take away the wealth. He destroyed the temple of Somnatha for the very reason. In 1026, Mahmud raided Somanatha, desecrated the temple and broke the idol. The event is described in Turko-Persian and Arab sources. The popular view is that Mahmud’s raid on Somanatha was such a trauma for the Hindus that it became seminal to the Hindu-Muslim antagonism of recent times. Yet there is no reference in contemporary or near contemporary local sources of the raid on Somanatha. Jaina sources describe the renovation of the temple by Kumarapala, the Chaulukya King, due to lack of maintenance by local officers  and natural decay of age. It would seem that Mahmud’s raid had not left a long-lasting impression. The earliest claim that the raid resulted in trauma for the Hindu was made not in India but in Britain, during a debate in the House of Commons in 1843.’ (Thapar, 2002) Muhmud Ghuri also attacked India. Thus we can see the diversity in India very clearly. Sufis came here with invaders, scientists and philosophers also came here. Thus there was a exchange of culture and thus the diversity of Indian culture continues. On the other hand Europe had religious conflicts between eastern Europe and western Europe. Arabs also attacked and conquered them. European kings felt so threatened and their result we can see in form of crusades. Spain became great Muslim centre where dynasties like Abbasis, Ummaids and Fatmids ruled. In Europe we can’t see as much diversity as we do in India. ECONOMY People of India used to do basically farming. Their major occupation was agriculture for which caste system developed. This was also one reason why Islam didn’t spread in India in beginning because they needed caste system for agriculture and Islam teaches equality. India was very rich in agriculture and produced spices and traded them. TRADE CENTRES Some cities were important with trade point of view. Cities like Madurai, Vanji, Vatapi, Tamraliptri, Kanauj, Ujjain, Broach and Pataliputra were considered as trade centres. Trade was done through both land and sea. TRADE ROUTES Silk route was a major trade route. Other trade routes included port of Varanasi, Goa, Mathura, Puna and Patna. TRADING COUNTRIES India did trading with Arabia, Persia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Java, Sumatra,  Indo-China and China. Europe came to know about Indian products very well after crusades infact major reason of crusades was to start trade with India. EXPORTS Silk, gems, bleached cloth, pearls, spices, ivory and diamonds were exported. Pepper, cinnamon, opium and indigo were exported to Europe in exchange of gold and silver. ART AND ARCHITECTURE Like all other factors art and architecture of India was also very diverse. There was different style of architecture in north than south side of India. Temples of south India were built in Dravadian style of architecture with carved sculptures. In north side nagara style of architecture was used. In the regions in between north and south vasera (hybrid style) was implemented. When muslims came here they made buildings in their own style of architecture. Beautiful mosques, tombs, havelis and forts were made in medieval time. [pic] [pic] Mahabodhi temple Mahakeleshwar temple Muslims built qutub minar delhi mosque etc. which have architecture entirely different than temples. [pic] There were number of different languages. Each region had a language of their own and there was a single language that was used as official language. Vedic scriptures puranas etc were compiled. Quran and sunnah was being compiled by Arabs. In Europe church was most dominant. All the art and architecture was devoted  to the church. The main architectural styles developed were gothic and Romanesque. Romanesque church followed horizontal lines whereas gothic was much heightened and detailed. Gothic style pointed arch is used that can take more load and flying buttresses were introduced. Castles were built for defence purposes. They consist of small square towers, usually of wood, planted on hilltops or artificial mounds and had small windows. Material used for construction was stone, mortar and wood. [pic] Wells cathedral (Gothic style) [pic] Romanesque style The churches were decorated with sculptures and paintings. Since it was a religion based society they worked for churches without wages. Church was in centre of city built on highest mound or hill and was highest and other buildings were built around it having low heights. Muslims also made mosques in Europe too. EDUCATION AND TECHNOLOGY Most people in India were educated. They had gurus, scholars and there was the oldest university in Taxila. A British scholar leigtner said in later British rule that these are educated people and they should be taught in their own native tongue. Whereas in Europe there were monasteries that only gave religious education. They weren’t aware of scientific knowledge until they came across Arabs and Indians. Mahmud of gazni when came to India brought along a philosopher named Al Beruni who wrote book on India names tahqiq al hind. Main invention in medieval time were weapons, nautical inventions, clock, numbering system, astrolabes, sundial, compass etc. CONCLUSION Keeping in view all the points mentioned above we can say that India is very rich in culture at all times. Its history is so diverse in all aspects whether its society, culture, religion, politics, economy, art and architecture. In general it is said that there were dark ages throughout the world which based upon above discussion is not true. Dark ages were only in Europe since there were wars and was only religious based society and there was no advancement technologically whereas India was progressing and by looking at its diversity and advancements tells us that it wasnt in dark ages at all. BIBLIOGRAPHY

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Trento and Vicenza Essays -- Geography Geographical Papers

Trento and Vicenza ?The city of Trento (population 101,000) is located in the province of Trento.? The provinces of Trento and Bolzano come together form Trentino-Alto Adige.? Trentino-Alto Adige is the mountain territory of the upper Adige Valley and South Tyrol.? It is within this region that the majority of the Italian Mountains are found.? The area is known for its great scenic beauty.? The City of Trento sits in the valley of the River Adige and lies in the shadow of Monte Bondone.? Monte Bondone is known for its beautiful alpine flora.? Many herbs are collected from the Monte and are used for medicinal proposes throughout the country.? Lago di Toblino is located 16km west of the city.? Lago di Toblino is a beautiful lake that is overlooked by a medieval castle.? There are numerous summer and winter resort areas.? It is very easy the see that there is natural beauty in Trento, but that is not all Trento is known for.? Trento is rich in history as well. ?In its origins there are traces of Celtic influence in Trento but during the 1st century Romans had complete control of the town politically and culturally.? During the Middle Ages Trento found its significance in the fact that it was the geographical link between Germany and Italy.? Trento was an episcopal fief from 1027 until 1802 due initially to an invasion by the Goths, Lombards and Franks.? In the 16th century the city gained prominence under the direction of Bishop Bernardo Clesio and Bishop Cristoforo Madruzzo.? While Bishop Madruzzo was presiding Trento served as the meeting place for the Council of Trent.? ?The council of Trent took place between 1545 and 1563.? It marks one of the most significant turning points in the Catholic Church.? The Council was f... ...he theater still hosts theatrical and musical events.? ?The most significant religious building is the Santa Corona.? The Santa Corona was built in the 13thcentury.? It is known for two altarpieces, Paolo Veronese?s, Adoration of the Magi and Giovanni Bellini?s Baptism of Christ.? The church was named after a thorn of the crown of Christ, given by St Louis of France.? This relic can only be seen on Good Friday.? ?The cities of Trento and Vicenza are rich in history, culture, and scenery.? They will make great stops for our travel adventures.? References Blanchard, Paul.? Northern Italy, From the Alps to Bologna.? A&C Black.? New York: 2001. Rogers, Jay. Chalcedon Articles, The council of Trent. _Trent.html Simon, Kate. Italy, The Places in Between.? Barnes & Noble Inc. New York: 1984

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

“Crossing” by Mark Slouka Essay

Trust and family relationships are the two main themes in the short story â€Å"Crossing† by Mark Slouka. The story tells us about a father, who is going through a tough period, and his relationship to his son. He wants to obtain trust from his son trough a trip in the nature but runs into some challenges on his way. The father in the short story takes his son on a trip to a place at a river, because he wants to get closer to him on this trip. We get hints throughout the story that the father is going through a tough period after he divorced or separated from his wife. â€Å"And he hadn’t been happy in a while.† (5). His mind indicates that he did something wrong in their relationship and that he knows it. â€Å"My God, all his other fuckups were just preparation for this.† (135). We can tell that he cares a lot about his son because when he picks him up at his moms’ the text says: â€Å"He threw him over his shoulder, careful not to hit his head o n the corner of the TV.† (17-18). He also wants his ex-wife to notice that he is being careful with their son, so she can see that he actually can make something right. â€Å"Maybe – maybe he could make this right.† (20). We get a feeling that the father is easy to shatter because when he sees the river he feels a shock, because the river is much bigger and stronger than he remembered it. He actually considers pulling out. As readers we do not see him as an authority at this point because his anxiety defines him. We do not trust the father’s skills to cross the river with his son on his shoulders, we actually fear both for the son and father. We are not told very much about the son but we get a picture of him being a bit fragile. â€Å"He looked over at the miniature jeans, the sweatshirt bunched beneath the seat belt’s strap, the hiking boots dangling off the floor like weights.† (7-8). Maybe he has become fragile and unsecure because of all the mistakes the father has made which has affected the son. The narrator’s technique is to give small hints about something dangerous is going to happen. â€Å"The current was stronger.† (105). Now the reader knows that something will happen and that brings the story suspense. The narrator is an omniscient 3rd person who tells the story from the father’s point of view. That makes us feel sympathy for the father. We want him to succeed with his son because we feel sorry for him. The narrator takes us back in time through the father’s thoughts, back to when the father was a kid and when his father took him on the same trip at the same river. â€Å"He remembered the two of them working together quietly, easily, then his father crawling into the tent to lay out the sleeping bags.† (76-77). When the narrator makes these sorts of flashbacks it makes the readers interested in what the river can bring back in the fathers heart. He has obviously had one or more successfully trips with his father, since he wants to do the same thing with his own boy. Maybe it also has something to do with that he wants his son to experience something with him that he cannot experience with his mother. In that way the father could get a better relationship to his son and obtain the missing trust. So the setting in this story is very important because it means something to the father. When the father wants his son to cross the river, he wants to obtain trust from his son and wants to set a good example for his son. When the father starts crossing the river alone he takes it slow and makes sure every step he takes is secure. That could be a symbol of his relationship to his son, and that he has to take it slow to obtain his son’s trust after the divorce or separation. When he crosses second time with his boy on his shoulders he thinks it is easier, and he cannot understand where that moment of weakness, where he wanted to pull out, came from. â€Å"This vision of death like a tunnel at the end of the road and no way to get off or turn around?† (69). His thoughts of death and no way to turn around could symbolize his anxiety of losing his son, but that he have to keep trying to obtain his son’s trust and that he cannot give up. When they have to cross the river again on their way home, the current is stronger and it is harder to cross it. When the father crosses it on himself he slips on a rock but does not fall. Already at this point his plan about a good and trustful relationship to his son is about to crash. When he picks his son up it gets worse and they are in crisis. The father cannot see a way out of this and puts the blame on the divorce. â€Å"My God, all his other fuckups were just preparation for this. This wasn’t p ossible.† (135-136). This means that he thinks it is impossible to build a great relationship to his son after this divorce and after all the other fuckups he made. He also gets more burdens on his shoulders on his way, which make the cop flow over in the end. We also get a picture for that: â€Å"His left arm was a bit tired (†¦)† (108), â€Å"Ignoring the quivering in his shoulder (†¦)† (131). The story has an open ending. They are in the middle of the river where the father gives up. The burdens become too big, and he is too weak to  keep up the fight for his son’s trust. Throughout the story the river is a symbol of the father’s and the son’s relationship to each other and it is a symbol of the father’s emotions. For example when the current gets stronger it is a symbol of the opposition the father meets through the trip. The narrator uses a lot of figurative language in the story, especially comparisons. â€Å"Mountains larded with snow like fat ty meat.† (4). Slouka does also use other types of figurative language for example: â€Å"The grass in the yard beaten flat by the rain.† (14). He gives the grass human qualities in the form of a movement. All this figurative language makes the story more alive and makes the readers want more. The narrator is showing us the story through the figurative language and through some dialogs in the story. When Slouka is showing us he allows the readers to feel and see the moment and that makes the story more interesting to read. The message of the story is that trust is very important almost a question about life and death. You should think about your actions before you make them, so you do not make several mistakes which you have to make up to again. Then the trust will get harder, even impossible, to obtain because you have made it impossible to trust you. And if people do not trust you; then what is the meaning of living life?

Sunday, November 10, 2019

O’Henry Essay

Many people have not heard or have read any of the classical short stories by O. Henry a 1900 short story writer. His style of writing makes the reader feel the emotions of the characters' by detailed and deep descriptions. Because of O. Henrys unique writing his stories have delighted readers for over a hundred years. One of O. Henrys writing styles he uses In many of his stories are member s of law enforcement. In his short story â€Å"A Dollars Worth,† he uses many members of law enforcement.In that same story it makes more sense if a district attorney is being threatened by a man he put in jail rather than a regular person. It also can make the story interesting like a shootout with a criminal and the district attorney in â€Å"A Dollars Worth. † There are even more examples of law enforcement in â€Å"The Retrieved Reformation. † An example is the eminent detective Ben Price who arrested Jimmy for safe cracking. There is also the warden at the Jail that Jimm y served his sentence. The warden wanted Jimmy to stop safe cracking and Just be a good citizen.This Is Just one of O. Henrys writing styles. Another writing style of O. Henry Is the use of Irony In his stories. In â€Å"The Retrieved Reformation,† he uses Irony at the end. The Irony happens when Jimmy has to use his tools for good and not for stealing to save a girls life. O. Henry also uses Irony in his short story â€Å"The Last Leaf. † In the story Bergman an amateur artist who is not very gifted at art is able to with his art save a dying girls life. I think the way O. Henry uses irony makes his stories stand out and unique to other short story writers.He also has many other styles and his is Just another one of his writing styles. He also uses ordinary people for his characters in his short stories. In â€Å"The Gift of The Magi,' he uses two ordinary people trying to make the other happy. When he uses regular people other people might relate to same problems as the characters. Since he uses ordinary â€Å"The Last Leaf. † He can show that the artists go through the same problems as other people unlike superheroes who are untouchable. He shows that you don't need special people to make a story great, but a good story.Those are Just some of the writing characteristics of O. Henry. Because of his unique writing styles he will make the next and the next grasp his books and fall in love with them. O. Henrys writing style will has made readers laugh, cry, and feel the emotion of the characters for over a hundred years. BY Jollities unique writing his stories have delighted readers for over a hundred years. One of O. Henrys writing styles he uses in many of his stories are member s of law threatened by a man he put in Jail rather than a regular person.It also can make the Arden wanted Jimmy to stop safe cracking and Just be a good citizen. This is Just Another writing style of O. Henry is the use of irony in his stories. In â€Å"The Ret rieved Reformation,† he uses irony at the end. The irony happens when Jimmy has to use his tools for good and not for stealing to save a girls life. O. Henry also uses irony in his short story â€Å"The Last Leaf. † In the story but a good story. Those are Just some of the writing characteristics of O. Henry. Books and fall in love with them. O. Henrys writing style will has made readers laugh,

Friday, November 8, 2019

Voting Rights Act of 1965

Voting Rights Act of 1965 The Voting Rights Act of 1965 is a key component of the civil rights movement that seeks to enforce the Constitutions guarantee of every Americans right to vote under the 15th Amendment. The Voting Rights Act was designed to end discrimination against black Americans, particularly those in the South after the Civil War. Text of the Voting Rights Act An important provision of the Voting Rights Act reads: No voting qualification or prerequisite to voting, or standard, practice, or procedure shall be imposed or applied by any State or political subdivision to deny or abridge the right of any citizen of the United States to vote on account of race or color. The provision reflected the 15th Amendment of the Constitution, which reads: The right of U.S. citizens to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. History of the Voting Rights Act President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act into law on August 6, 1965. The law made it illegal for Congress and state governments to pass voting laws based on race and has been described as the most effective civil rights law ever enacted. Among other provisions, the act prohibited discrimination through the use of poll taxes and the application of literacy tests to determine whether voters could take part in elections. It is widely regarded as enabling the enfranchisement of millions of minority voters and diversifying the electorate and legislative bodies at all levels of American government, according to The Leadership Conference, which advocates for civil rights. Legal Battles The U.S. Supreme Court has issued several major rulings on the Voting Rights Act. The first was in 1966. The court initially upheld the constitutionality of the law. Congress had found that case-by-case litigation was inadequate to combat wide-spread and persistent discrimination in voting, because of the inordinate amount of time and energy required to overcome the obstructionist tactics invariably encountered in these lawsuits. After enduring nearly a century of systematic resistance to the Fifteenth Amendment, Congress might well decide to shift the advantage of time and inertia from the perpetrators of the evil to its victims. In 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court threw out a provision of the Voting Rights Act that required nine states to get federal approval from the Department of Justice or a federal court in Washington, D.C., before making any changes to their election laws. That preclearance provision was originally set to expire in 1970 but was extended numerous times by Congress. The decision was 5-4. Voting to invalidate that provision in the act were Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justices Antonin Scalia, Anthony M. Kennedy, Clarence Thomas and Samuel A. Alito Jr. Voting in favor of keeping the law intact were Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen G. Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan. Roberts, writing for the majority, said that portion of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was outdated and that the conditions that originally justified these measures no longer characterizes voting in the covered jurisdictions. Our country has changed. While any racial discrimination in voting is too much, Congress must ensure that the legislation it passes to remedy that problem speaks to current conditions. In the 2013 decision, Roberts cited data that showed turnout among black voters had grown to exceed that of white voters in most of the states originally covered by the Voting Rights Act. His comments suggest that discrimination against blacks had diminished greatly since the 1950s and 1960s. States Impacted The provision struck down by the 2013 ruling covered nine states, most of them in the South. Those states are: AlabamaAlaskaArizonaGeorgiaLouisianaMississippiSouth CarolinaTexasVirginia End of the Voting Rights Act The Supreme Courts 2013 ruling was decried by critics who said it gutted the law. President Barack Obama was sharply critical of the decision. I am deeply disappointed with the Supreme Court’s decision today. For nearly 50 years, the Voting Rights Act – enacted and repeatedly renewed by wide bipartisan majorities in Congress – has helped secure the right to vote for millions of Americans. Today’s decision invalidating one of its core provisions upsets decades of well-established practices that help make sure voting is fair, especially in places where voting discrimination has been historically prevalent. The ruling was praised, however, in states that had been overseen by the federal government. In South Caroline, Attorney General Alan Wilson described the law as an extraordinary intrusion into state sovereignty in certain states. This is a victory for all voters as all states can now act equally without some having to ask for permission or being required to jump through the extraordinary hoops demanded by federal bureaucracy. Congress was expected to take up revisions of the invalidated section of the law in the summer of 2013.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Cover Letter Sample English Teacher Job

Cover Letter Sample English Teacher Job SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Teaching's a competitive field, so a stand-out cover letter's a must for serious applicants. In the sample below, the applicant is applying to teach English as a Second Language to international students. Read on to see why the writer thinks he'd be a great match for the position. Then continue scrolling for an analysis of what this sample cover letter does well. Cover Letter for English Teacher Position Jon Snowman1 Wall Road, North Reading, MA 01864606-060-6066 âÅ" ´ May 1, 2016 Lucia GomezSchool Director English Learning Center60 Center St.Boston, MA 02108 Dear Ms. Gomez, I was excited to find your posting for an English as a Second Language teacher with English Learning Center on Upon researching your school, I strongly identified with its mission of cross-cultural communication and global citizenship. I am confident that I would make an excellent addition to your teaching team because of my passion for helping students, my teaching and cultural experiences, and my TEFL qualifications. I taught ESL to beginner, intermediate, and advanced students of various cultural and linguistic backgrounds in Madrid for one year. Before stepping into this role, I earned my TEFL certification after completing an on-site 120-hour course. Through my teaching experiences and TEFL studies, I developed critical pedagogic and classroom management skills, along with a passion for teaching English. I'm equipped with the Communicative Teaching Method, a philosophy that I’m excited to see you use at English Learning Center. I apply this method in the classroom through interactive, student-centered activities that maximize â€Å"student talk time.† I scaffold my lessons so that they include pair and group work, as well as movement around the classroom. By engaging students in speaking, grammar, writing, listening, and reading and appealing to diverse learning styles, I help them improve their accuracy and fluency across key skill areas. After living in Spain, I understand both the excitement and the challenges that accompany learning a new language and living abroad. In my classes, I typically set aside five to ten minutes at the start of each class for students to share their â€Å"highs† and â€Å"lows† for the week, a ritual that mystudents have appreciated as they adapted to new surroundings. I aim to support students’ social-emotional well-being as they learn English and deepen their global awareness. I look forward to speaking with you to discuss your specific needs at English Language Center and my ability to meet them. I'd be thrilled to join a team of globally-minded educators dedicated to high-quality language instruction. Please feel free to contact me at 606-060-6066 or Thank you very much for your consideration. Sincerely, Jon Snowman Jon Snowman Will this cover letter help Jon get an ESL teaching job stateside? ESL Teacher Cover Letter: The Breakdown Jon is applying to an ESL teaching position with English Language Center. In his cover letter, hereflects an understanding of the school by referring to its mission statement in the first paragraph. He also shows that he knows it uses the Communicative Teaching Method as the basis for its curriculum, a method with which he’s familiar. Jon describes his skills and qualifications in terms of his TEFL certification, lesson planning abilities, and efforts to establish a comfortable classroom environment. He specifies that his lessons focus on pair and group work to maximize conversation among students, and he gives an example of a â€Å"high/low† activity he uses to support students emotionally as they adapt to a new culture. By giving specifics, Jon illustrates his instructional skills and teaching methodology. His letter is clearly organized and provides insight into his experiences. Overall, Jon's cover letter shows that he’s a thoughtful teacher dedicated to ESL instruction. Before heading to the next sample, consider one important note about the letter's format. A Note on Format The letter above features a traditional format with Jon's name, address, and contact information at the top, followed by the date and the name and address of the hiring manager. He also signs and prints his name at the bottom. This format is spot on for cover letters sent as a hard copy or as an attachment in a Word document. These days, though, lots of jobs have applicants send their cover letters in the body of an email or pasted into a text box on their application site. If you're sending a cover letter in the body of an email or text box, then you usually don't have to worry about these headers. You can just start right in with the salutation (e.g., Dear Ms. Wassername) and type your name at the end. Make sure to read and follow any application instructions so you know exactly how to send your materials. In addition to being thoughtful about your cover letter's content, you can be intentional aboutyour letter's format and overall look. What's Next? Do you need a degree to be an English teacher? Learn more about the qualifications you'll need to teach in the U.S. with this article. Ready to read another sample? Check out this sample cover letter for the job of Marketing Manager! Are you looking for our full cover letter guide? Head back to the complete guide here with links to five more cover letter samples. Are you starting at the beginning? This guide has a universal cover letter template to guide your writing, along with great tips to produce the best cover letter you can.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Global Money System Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Global Money System - Research Paper Example According to the recent report on the basis of global money system, the group of twenty also known as G20 finger pointed the world currency tensions detailing that the government of America blamed China government which decided to refuse the currency known as Yuan to rise faster. China on other hand suggested that the opinion detailed posed a distortion of global economy hence affecting Yuan currency exchange and was due to loosened monetary policy that was reinforced by the Federal Reserve in regards to government bonds. From the point of view, a problem has been emerged on the global money system issue due to the laid down rules, norms and institutions that governs currencies facet and the flow of the capital that prevails and trigger market pricing system globally. A global money system involves creations of reserves that fosters and hold vast foreign exchange activities on emerging economies. A dollar has been a dominance currency in this reserves managed by the United States of America for foreign exchange and transactions both within the states and internationally. Global Money System has generated investment globally that involves lending and hence facilitating financial and volatility of capital flows. Global money system plays a bigger role on the countries economy. When laid down policies are not in power, an aspect of inflation on capital flaws may arise and this comes when a given nation decides to print more money. However, some countries like the United States of America and Japan prefers to import inflation aspect rather than boosting exports that eludes weaker currency; some of the activities that are done through their national central banks. This usually affects international monetary system hence developing instability on economic system. Global money system policies are therefore monitored by especially national central banks and at large the World Bank. Some of the European countries through their European banks have eased

Friday, November 1, 2019

Qualitative Reserach Critique Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Qualitative Reserach Critique - Research Paper Example The research tradition is consistent with the methods used to collect and analyze data because the research is dealing with a phenomenon that is impossible or difficult to quantify statistically. The beliefs, feelings and attributes oblige the research to be qualitative. Women participating in this research were 18 years and over. They completed an active treatment of breast cancer one year or more before the study. In this case, the researcher conducted an initial interview that lasted one hour and thirty minutes at sites. The participants completed the treatment and demographic questionnaire and were further asked to describe the experience of suffering and loneliness. The exclusion criteria comprised women who have cancer recurrence in the course of the research or who suffered from systemic diseases such as unstable hypertension. This was an adequate amount of time considering the research tradition of the pain that women undergo during acute treatment. The treatment may occur on e year or more. Thus, the author established the need for his participants to have adequate amount time so that the data collected may be valid and accurate. The time used helped the author to analyse the pain and loneliness that women with breast cancer undergo. However, the author may have also used a long period of time to show how women in different stages of treatment undergo different pain experience. The research report provides evidences of reflexity in the design because the clinical and demographic characteristics of the sample summarized in the study showed that most participants conveyed a strong experience of loneliness. In comparing with Streubert’s method, the participants revealed that the formalized analysis of survivor loneliness was true and comprehensive to their personal experiences. The Streubert’s method made a clear distinction between theme and essence of personal experience. Part of the experiment was to understand the withholding truth about breast cancer, beliefs about death, and transcending time of the illness. Based on this analysis, most women presented their thoughts on how the illness has affected their personal lives. They shared their views on how they would have been better if they did not suffer from the illness. The actual research designed is well described in this study. This research creates a strong ground for readers to understand the past researchers’ view on the subject and personal experience of women suffering from breast cancer. In the introductory part, the author highlights how the diagnosis and acute treatment of breast cancer trigger pain and loneliness. The struggle and pain to find the true meaning of the personal crisis heighten victims’ consciousness of their identity, self-worth, and the world around them. As a result, this may cause loneliness and lack of confidence. The ideas and facts collected about the experience during the illness created insights on the patientsâ€℠¢ who are most subjective to painful and lonely experiences. The study is exclusive qualitative because the main subject could not be defined or analyzed statistically. The qualitative data collected was used in a complementary fashion in, which the interview session lasted approximately one hour and thirty minutes. The researchers encouraged participants to share artistic and written expressions that revealed their personal ex